Snowflake Flurry Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)
Max Size: 3 1/2 inches
Diet: Omnnivore
Temperament: Semi-Aggressive
Reef Compatible: Yes
Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons
The Flurry Clownfish stands out as a visually striking variant of the Ocellaris Clownfish, boasting a remarkable degree of pristine white hue adorned with a smattering of black dots. These captivating creatures are the delightful outcome of breeding a Wyoming White Clownfish with a Frostbite Clownfish, with certain Flurry clowns even showcasing iridescent eyes.
Setting the Captive-Bred Flurry Clownfish apart from its wild counterparts is a series of distinctive advantages. Chief among these is its exceptional resilience, having acclimated well to the conditions commonly encountered within home aquariums. As such, it proves to be an ideal choice for both newcomers to the hobby and experienced aquarists seeking an addition to their collections.
One of the notable qualities of the Captive-Bred Flurry Clownfish is its suitability for reproduction within a domestic aquarium environment. Within the aquarium, the female of the pair tends to be larger, and the two fish often exhibit close proximity to each other. As egg-laying creatures, they deposit their eggs onto flat surfaces and diligently safeguard them from potential threats posed by other tankmates. Under typical conditions, these eggs hatch within a span of 6 to 11 days, contingent on the prevailing water temperature. To nurture the resulting fry, a separate aquarium is essential, where they can be nurtured on a diet starting with rotifers and transitioning to baby brine shrimp.
An attribute worth noting about this Clownfish is its assertive appetite. It displays a voracious appetite, readily accepting a variety of meaty foods and frozen herbivore preparations.