Blue Bar Dottyback
Max Size: 3 inches
Diet: Omnivore
Temperament: Semi-Aggressive
Reef Compatible: With Caution. May eat ornamental shrimp.
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
The Blue Bar Dottyback, scientifically known as the Surge Dottyback (Pseudochromis cyanotaenia), is a stunning fish species that exhibits sexual dimorphism - the males display more vibrant colors compared to the females. The male Surge Dottyback boasts a mesmerizing dark blue body with striking light blue bars along its sides. Additionally, its front half showcases a vibrant yellow color with a yellow stripe running along its back. In contrast, the female Dottyback is characterized by a more subdued grey color with a yellow or orange tail. Dottybacks belong to the Pseudochromis genus and are renowned for their variability in size, temperament, and coloration. Some other well-known species like the Strawberry Dottyback (P. porphyrea), Diadema Dottyback (P. diadema), and Bicolor Dottyback (P. paccagnallae) come from smaller genuses like Pictichromis.
Once acclimated to the home aquarium, most Dottyback species will readily accept frozen foods such as brine shrimp and krill. Larger species can consume meatier items like scallop pieces, shrimp, and clams, while smaller species thrive on brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, and other small foods. Adding flake or pellet food after the fish has settled in can also provide dietary variety. Dottybacks are territorial by nature and should be kept singly in a tank. Although they usually get along with other fish, it's essential to ensure that their designated home territory is not disturbed by other tank mates. Some species can grow large and exhibit aggressiveness, so providing ample hiding spaces in the aquarium is crucial for their comfort.
Dottybacks are well-suited for reef aquariums, but caution should be exercised with small ornamental shrimp like Sexy Shrimp (Thor sp.) and Anemone Shrimp (Periclimenes sp.), as they may become prey for the Dottybacks. However, some Dottybacks, particularly those from the Pseudochromis genus, are highly sought after for their ability to eat nuisance Bristleworms, making them beneficial additions to the reef environment. Overall, Dottybacks are considered reef-safe, but careful consideration of tank mates and providing appropriate hiding spots ensures their well-being and adds to the vibrancy of the aquarium.