Bariene Tang (Acanthurus bariene)

$300.00 Sold out

Max Size: 1 foot 8 inches
Diet: Herbivore
Temperament: Semi-Aggressive
Reef Compatible: Yes
Minimum Tank Size: 360 gallons

The Bariene Tang, also known as the Black Spot Tang and Black Spot Surgeonfish, is a highly sought-after species for experienced aquarists. While juveniles may not display striking coloration, with proper care and maturity, this fish develops beautiful orange accent markings set against deep blues, blacks, and browns.

In its natural habitat, the Bariene Tang prefers deeper coastal reef slopes and outer reef walls. To replicate its environment, a spacious 360-gallon or larger aquarium with ample live rock is essential, providing both sufficient swimming room and territories within the rock formations.

Feeding the Bariene Tang a well-balanced diet is crucial for its health and well-being. While they will consume meaty foods alongside other aquarium fish, offering them marine-based seaweed and algae is equally important. This addition to their diet strengthens their immune system, reduces aggression, and promotes overall health. Providing dried seaweed tied to a rock or using a veggie clip, and feeding at least 3 times per week, ensures their dietary needs are met. Quality products such as Sea Veggies, Seaweed Salad, and Ocean Nutrition are ideal and easy to use. Additionally, these tangs serve as excellent algae controllers in saltwater fish or reef aquariums.