Linespot Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus cyaneus)
Max Size: 3 inches
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef Compatible: Yes
Minimum Tank Size: 55 gallons
The Linespot Flasher Wrasse also known as the Blue Flasher Wrasse, a magnificent representative of the Paracheilinus genus, adds a captivating allure to peaceful marine aquariums. Its vibrant colors, remarkable finnage, and lively behavior invigorate the tank, encouraging even the shyest fish to venture out into the open. This species poses little threat to most invertebrates, making it a highly sought-after addition to any tranquil community reef aquarium.
The Blue Flasher Wrasse immediately catches the eye with its dazzling coloration. A dominant red hue forms a striking backdrop for the intricate layers of blue that adorn its body. The males and females exhibit distinct differences in color, with the female showcasing a more understated elegance, while the male undergoes a stunning transformation. When the male reaches its display coloration, it earns the name "Peacock Flasher Wrasse" for good reason. The back transforms into a mesmerizing metallic blue, creating an electrifying visual spectacle. The male's elongated dorsal fin filaments and tail filaments further enhance its showy appearance.
In their natural habitat, Blue Flasher Wrasses have been observed on shallow reef crests and sheltered reefs at depths ranging from 20 to 114 feet. Like other Flasher Wrasses, they are social and gregarious, preferring to occupy the open water column. However, to provide a sense of security, the presence of rockwork with caves and crevices in the aquarium is beneficial, offering a quick retreat if needed. Keeping the Blue Flasher Wrasse in small groups is recommended for optimal success. Introducing all the individuals at the same time or introducing females before the male can help establish a harmonious environment. A secure canopy is also advisable to prevent any potential escape.
Maintaining the health of Flasher Wrasses requires regular feeding, about two to three times a day. Their diet typically consists of zooplankton, and it is crucial to avoid infrequent feeding to ensure their well-being. To counteract the potential build-up of dissolved organics resulting from frequent feeding, a good protein skimmer and Live Sand are beneficial additions to the tank.
By providing a suitable environment and a well-balanced feeding regimen, the Blue Flasher Wrasse can continue to enchant aquarium enthusiasts with its vibrant beauty and lively demeanor.