Red Coris Wrasse (Coris gaimard)
Max Size: 1 foot 3 inches
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Semi-Aggressive
Reef Compatible: With Caution. May eat small invertebrates.
Minimum Tank Size: 125 gallons
The Red Coris Wrasse, known by various names such as Clown Wrasse, Red Labrid, or Yellowtail Coris, is a widespread species found in the Indo-Pacific and Hawaiian Region, extending all the way to the Red Sea. In its natural habitat, adult Red Coris Wrasse can reach sizes of up to a foot, but in aquariums, they typically grow to around 6-8 inches. Their appearance undergoes a significant transformation from juvenile to adult. Juveniles exhibit a striking orange body with white tiger stripes or spots on their back, outlined in black. As they mature, their body develops a speckled blue coloration, with fins adorned in vibrant yellows, reds, and blues, and their face turns orange with green stripes. The males can be distinguished by a light green stripe above the anal fin.
To keep the Red Coris Wrasse healthy and content, a spacious 125-gallon or larger aquarium with a sandy substrate is necessary. They have a natural instinct to burrow into the sand for sleep or protection when threatened, so providing a suitable sandy bottom is essential for their well-being. It's crucial not to keep them on crushed coral or similar substrates, as they have a lower survival rate in such environments. While they are small, Red Coris Wrasse can coexist peacefully with most fish that won't view them as prey, but as they grow, they may become more destructive and should not be kept with invertebrates.
To meet their dietary needs, the Red Coris Wrasse diet should consist of vitamin-enriched frozen mysis shrimp, frozen brine shrimp, and other meaty foods. Supplementing their diet with high-quality marine flakes and marine pellets will ensure they receive all the essential nutrients for their well-being. Proper feeding is essential to support their health and vibrant colors.
In summary, the Red Coris Wrasse is a stunning and fascinating fish species that requires a well-maintained aquarium with ample space and suitable substrate. Providing them with a varied and nutritious diet will help them thrive in a captive environment. However, it's essential to be aware of their potential destructive behavior and ensure compatibility with tank mates to create a harmonious aquatic community.