Unicorn Tang (Naso unicornis)

$140.00 Sold out

Max Size: 1 foot 3 inches
Diet: Omnivore
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef Compatible: Yes
Minimum Tank Size: 150 gallons

Alternate Names Blue-Spined Unicornfish

Overview Renowned for the elongated projection emerging from its forehead, the Unicorn Tang possesses distinctive traits. It generally maintains a non-aggressive disposition towards tank companions, though exceptions arise with other members of its kind, the Unicorn Tangs. Among the larger species of Tangs, this fish demands an especially spacious aquarium for its needs. The characteristic horn usually becomes prominent when the fish attains a length of around 6 to 9 inches. Throughout the day, Unicorn Tangs engage in foraging behavior, sifting through rocks and occasionally sand in their quest to consume hair algae.

Feeding Habits In its natural habitat, Tangs dedicate their daylight hours to exploring the reef environment, seeking out marine algae and morsels of meaty sustenance. Recommended dietary choices encompass dried marine algae (Nori), Spirulina Flakes, and frozen mysis shrimp. Over time, Tangs can readily adapt to captive diets, eventually embracing flake and pellet foods. Enhancing flake food by soaking it in a vitamin supplement like Selcon or a garlic-infused supplement is advisable. This practice not only aids in bolstering the fish's resistance to potential parasite infections but also ensures a well-rounded nutritional intake.