Camel Shrimp (Rhynchocinetes durbanensis)
Max Size: 2 inches
Diet: Omnivore
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef Compatible: With Caution. May eat soft polyps
Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons
The Camel Shrimp, also known as the Hinge-beak Shrimp, Dancing Shrimp, or Candy Shrimp, possesses a distinctive feature of a moveable rostrum (beak) that is typically angled upwards. This fascinating shrimp exhibits a variable pattern of red and white stripes on its body, with males often having larger chelipeds (claws) compared to females.
In its natural habitat, the Camel Shrimp prefers to congregate with others of its kind, seeking shelter in rock crevasses, under overhangs, or within coral rubble. It is particularly in need of hiding places during the molting process. While generally tolerant of other shrimp, it may display a tendency to nip at colonial anemones, disc anemones, and soft leather corals. However, it tends to leave bubble coral and stinging anemones undisturbed.
For its diet, the Camel Shrimp readily accepts various foods, including brine shrimp, frozen or freeze-dried plankton, and flaked food. Providing these food options will ensure the well-being and nutrition of this intriguing shrimp species in your aquarium.