Horned/Spiny Turbo Snail (Turbo cornutus)
Max Size: 3 inches
Diet: Herbivore
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef Compatible: Yes
Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons
Turbo Cornutus, commonly known as the Horned Turban Snail or Turban Shell, is a beautiful and beneficial addition to marine aquariums. These snails play an essential role in maintaining the aquarium's cleanliness by grazing on algae and detritus. Here's a care sheet to help you provide the best care for Turbo Cornutus in your aquarium:
Tank Size: Turbo Cornutus can be kept in aquariums of various sizes, but a tank with a capacity of at least 20 gallons is recommended for a small group of these snails. Providing enough space ensures they have ample room to move and forage.
Substrate and Decor: A sandy or rocky substrate is suitable for Turbo Cornutus. The substrate should not be too coarse to prevent damage to their shell. Provide some hiding spots and crevices in the aquarium, as these snails may seek refuge when they feel threatened.
Feeding: Turbo Cornutus is primarily herbivorous and will graze on algae that grow on rocks and aquarium surfaces. Ensure a well-established and balanced ecosystem with sufficient algae growth to sustain their diet. If algae are limited, you can supplement their diet with algae-based sinking pellets or seaweed sheets.
Tank Mates: Turbo Cornutus is generally peaceful and can coexist with other peaceful marine species. However, avoid keeping them with predatory or aggressive species that may harm the snails.
Handling and Acclimation: Avoid handling Turbo Cornutus unless necessary, as excessive handling can cause stress and damage to their delicate shells. When introducing them to the aquarium, use the drip acclimation method to help them adjust gradually to the new water conditions.
Tank Maintenance: Regularly clean the aquarium glass and remove any accumulated detritus. Conduct partial water changes (10-20%) every two weeks to maintain water quality and remove excess nutrients.
Caution: While Turbo Cornutus is beneficial for algae control, avoid excessive numbers in the aquarium. Overpopulation can lead to increased competition for food and potential issues with algae control.
Providing a suitable environment and a balanced diet will help keep Turbo Cornutus healthy and contribute to the overall well-being of your marine aquarium. Enjoy observing these attractive and efficient algae grazers as they explore and clean your underwater ecosystem.