Lantern Bubble Tip Anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor)
Max Size: 1 foot
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Semi-Aggressive
Reef Compatible: With Caution. May sting corals.
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Lighting: Moderate to High
Waterflow: Medium
Supplements: Calcium, Magnesium, Stontium, Iodine, Trace Elements
The Bubble Tip Anemone stands out as a captivating addition to any home reef setup. When placed beneath intense aquarium lighting, the Entacmaea quadricolor species undergoes a fascinating transformation, developing a distinctive bulb-like tip at the end of its tentacles. When hunger strikes, this member of the Actiniidae family extends its sweeper tentacles to capture food from the water. After a satisfying meal, these tentacles revert to their shorter length while adopting a bulbous appearance.
Although commonly known as the Four-Colored Anemone, its actual coloration can vary significantly from one specimen to another. Variants in shades of red often earn the moniker Rose Anemones. Typically, Bubble Tip Anemones from regions like Fiji and Tonga showcase gentle hues of brown, tan, or maroon, with occasional discoveries of green specimens. In contrast, the Bulb Anemones found near Sri Lanka predominantly sport a green coloration with a deep maroon base.
The Bubble Tip Anemone can be encountered in oceans across the globe. In their natural habitat, Bulb Anemones attach their pedal discs deep within deceased coral amidst debris or onto sturdy, living reefs. To replicate this environment in a home aquarium, the Bubble Tip Anemone should be placed amidst intricately creviced live rock or among branching corals resting on a bed of sandy substrate. These anemones often explore the aquarium until they locate a suitable settling spot.
Proper care for the Bubble Tip Anemone necessitates strong lighting in aquariums with a capacity of at least 30 gallons. Under optimal conditions, they can expand to a diameter of up to 1 foot. However, they typically remain more compact when exposed to bright lighting. In cases of inadequate lighting, the Bubble Tip Anemone expands its body to capture as much light as possible. For optimal well-being, housing the anemone with a Clownfish is recommended. Occasionally, the anemone's tentacles might appear elongated, which can indicate insufficient light or a need for nourishment. Their diet should encompass chopped fish, shrimp, or worms if a clownfish companion is absent.
Prudence should be exercised when handling this invertebrate, as well as all other Anemones. The Bubble Tip Anemone possesses the ability to sting fellow anemones and corals that encroach upon its territory.