Orange Spiny Lobster
Max Size: 10 inches
Diet: Omnivore
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef Compatible: With Caution. May eat invertebrates.
Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons
The Orange Spiny Reef Lobster displays a body ranging from white to lavender hues, adorned with orange and violet markings. Its elongated, flattened claws, which serve both defensive and offensive purposes, can also adopt a purple hue.
For an optimal habitat, it's recommended to provide a substantial gravel bed to facilitate burrowing, along with rock formations that offer hiding spots. Live rock is advantageous not only for shelter but also as a hunting ground. Following molting, the Reef Lobster necessitates a secure refuge, such as a cave, where it can wait for its newly shed exoskeleton to harden.
The design of the cave can allow for daytime visibility of the lobster, although it generally prefers to spend daylight hours sheltered from light. Nocturnal behavior is predominant, with the Reef Lobster actively scavenging and hunting during the night. Its temperament is characterized as peaceful, showing indifference towards slumbering Wrasses and healthy fish cohabiting in the aquarium. Nevertheless, careful consideration is essential when introducing it to a reef tank, as it might pose a threat to small fish and invertebrates.
These lobsters exhibit pronounced territoriality and aggression toward their own kind, underscoring the importance of keeping only one individual or a mated pair in a given tank. Sensitivity to copper-based medications is notable. While scavenging constitutes a significant part of its diet, supplementing with iodine-rich foods contributes to successful molting cycles.