Dogface Puffer (Arothron nigropunctatus)
Max Size: 1 foot 1 inches
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Semi-Aggressive
Reef Compatible: No
Minimum Tank Size: 150 gallons
The Arothron Dog Face Puffer, also known as the Blackspotted Puffer, earns its name due to its canine-like resemblance. Throughout different life stages, its appearance undergoes changes. During the gray phase, it exhibits a gray body with distinctive black markings around the mouth, eyes, and dorsal fin, while the pectoral fins have a yellow hue. In the half-yellow phase, a yellow underbelly contrasts with a dark gray overcoat, and its face retains similarities to the gray phase. Additionally, black spots may be present over the body, appearing in either gray or yellow shades. However, it's worth noting that once in captivity, the Arothron Dog Face Puffer very rarely transitions between these phases.
Although lacking pelvic fins, this puffer is surprisingly agile, relying on its pectoral, dorsal, and anal fins for maneuvering. Its unique "teeth" consist of a fused beak-like structure, perfectly suited for crushing its prey.
For housing this fascinating species, a 100-gallon or larger fish-only aquarium is recommended. The Arothron Dog Face Puffer brings great personality and an unusual appearance, making it an excellent addition to such setups. However, it should be kept in mind that it may eat invertebrates typically found in a reef tank. This puffer tends to tolerate other non-aggressive Puffers as tankmates. Initially, it may be shy, and using a net can cause alarm, so it's advisable to use a container for transfers instead.
To maintain its well-being, the Arothron Dog Face Puffer requires a diverse diet of meaty foods, including squid, krill, clams, and hard-shelled shrimp. This diet is essential to help wear down its ever-growing "teeth" and ensure good oral health.