Striped Dogface Puffer (Arothron manilensis)
Max Size: 1 foot 1 inch
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Semi-Aggressive
Reef Compatible: No
Minimum Tank Size: 150 gallons
The Striped Dogface Puffer, scientifically known as Arothron manilensis, possesses captivating large eyes and a small, sad-looking mouth. Its distinctive circular slender lines add to its unique appearance. Often referred to as "aquatic dogs" due to their interactive behavior with humans, these Pufferfish can be quite endearing. However, it's important to note that they are not considered reef safe. Being voracious carnivores, they readily consume small invertebrates, while also grazing on algae without causing harm to corals.
Similar to other Puffers, the Striped Dogface Puffer has robust teeth that continuously grow throughout their lives. To prevent overgrowth, they should be provided with hard-shelled live food frequently. An adequate tank size of at least 100 gallons, along with semi-aggressive tank mates and ample live rock for hiding, is ideal for their well-being. While this fish can display aggression, especially towards others of the same size, such as Tangs, Angelfish, and Mandarinfish, they thrive in a more aggressive-type aquarium environment.
Feeding the Striped Dogface Puffer can be challenging, especially if they are feeling stressed or insecure. Their diet should consist of a variety of carnivorous foods, such as fresh or frozen chopped Shrimp, Squid, Clams, Crab Flesh, or other meaty preparations. One of the most well-known traits of puffers, including the Striped Dogface Puffer, is their ability to inflate their body to deter predators. However, it is strongly advised not to induce this behavior in the fish, as it can be harmful to them. Furthermore, it is crucial never to expose the puffer to air, as ingesting air can be detrimental to their health. When transferring them between tanks, it is best to use a container rather than a net to ensure they remain submerged at all times.