Bumblebee Snail (Engina sp.)
Max Size: 1/2 inch
Diet: Omnivore, Detritus
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef Compatible: Yes
Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons
The Bumble Bee Snail is a tiny but highly beneficial addition to marine reef aquariums. Its small size and attractive coloration, with a striking black shell adorned with elegant white to yellow bands, make Engina sp. a delight to observe. Despite its size, this snail plays a crucial role in the aquarium by cleaning hard-to-reach areas between rockwork and crevices, removing detritus, leftover meaty foods, and decomposing matter.
One of the remarkable features of the Bumble Bee Snail is its ability to burrow into the sand bed, where it feeds on sand-dwelling worms, aerates the substrate, and contributes to a healthier environment. Providing ample hiding places and spacious areas for the snail to roam will ensure its well-being and natural foraging behavior.
While being peaceful in nature, it's essential to note that the Bumble Bee Snail is a carnivore. In well-established aquariums, it usually finds enough food from live rock and deep sand beds, where it can scavenge undisturbed. However, in cases of insufficient food sources, they may consume other snails or even polychaetes like bristleworms. To prevent this, offering supplemental feeding with finely chopped brine or mysis shrimp and other frozen meaty foods can be beneficial.
As with other invertebrates, it is crucial to maintain stable water conditions and avoid copper-based medications and high nitrate levels, as the Bumble Bee Snail is sensitive to any fluctuations. Breeding the Bumble Bee Snail in the aquarium is extremely challenging due to the lack of distinguishing characteristics between sexes. Nevertheless, with proper care and attention, this small snail brings numerous advantages to the marine reef ecosystem.