Blue Spotted Tamarin Wrasse (Anampses caeruleopunctatus)
Max Size: 8 inches
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef Compatible: With Caution. May eat small invertebrates
Minimum Tank Size: 75 gallons
The Bluespotted Tamarin Wrasse (Anampses chrysocephalus) is a beautiful and captivating fish that can make a wonderful addition to a well-maintained marine aquarium. To ensure the health and happiness of this species, it's essential to provide the appropriate environment, diet, and care. Here's a care sheet to guide you in keeping the Bluespotted Tamarin Wrasse:
Aquarium Size: A spacious aquarium of at least 75 gallons is recommended to house a Bluespotted Tamarin Wrasse comfortably. These fish are active swimmers and need ample space to explore and display their natural behavior.
Tank Setup: Provide plenty of live rock and coral formations to create hiding spots and caves for the Bluespotted Tamarin Wrasse. This will help them feel secure and reduce stress. Additionally, ensure the tank has open swimming spaces to accommodate their active nature.
Tank Mates: Carefully choose tank mates for the Bluespotted Tamarin Wrasse. They can be territorial, especially towards similar-looking species. Avoid housing them with aggressive or overly dominant fish. Peaceful, community-oriented fish that inhabit different water levels are usually better companions.
Feeding: The Bluespotted Tamarin Wrasse is omnivorous, with a diet that includes both meaty and plant-based foods. Offer a varied diet consisting of high-quality marine pellets, frozen foods (brine shrimp, mysis shrimp), and live foods (small crustaceans and worms). Regular feeding is essential to maintain their health.
Behavior: These wrasses are active and curious by nature. They may rearrange the substrate in the tank, and their vibrant colors and energetic movements make them delightful to watch. However, ensure the tank is well-secured with a tight-fitting lid as they may attempt to jump out of the aquarium.
Gender Identification: Bluespotted Tamarin Wrasses are protogynous hermaphrodites, which means they may change gender from female to male. Males display more intense colors and have an elongated second dorsal spine. Juveniles may show different color patterns than adults.
Compatibility with Other Wrasses: Exercise caution when keeping multiple wrasses in the same tank, especially those of the same genus or with similar appearances. Male Bluespotted Tamarin Wrasses may be aggressive towards each other, particularly if there are no females present.