Bicolor Cleaner Wrasse (Labroides bicolor)
Max Size: 4 inches
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef Compatible: Yes
Minimum Tank Size: 100 gallons
The Bicolor Cleaner Wrasse, also referred to as Cleaner Wrasses, Bicolored Cleanerfish, Two-color Cleaner Wrasse, Two-color Cleanerfish, Two-colored Cleaner Wrasse, Two-colored Cleanerfish, Cleanerfish, or Yellow Diesel Wrasse, establishes a fascinating symbiotic relationship with other reef fish. They play the role of cleaning stations by removing unwanted parasites from the bodies, fins, and mouths of their fellow fish. These peaceful and attractive fish engage in a captivating "dance" to attract other fish and offer their cleaning services. As adults, they can reach a size of up to 4 inches.
To provide a suitable habitat for the Bicolor Cleaner Wrasse in an aquarium, it is recommended to include a few live rocks where they can find crevices to sleep in. Additionally, a thick sand bed is advised as they tend to burrow into the substrate during the night. Due to their tendency to jump, it is crucial to keep the aquarium covered to prevent any accidental escapes.
The Bicolor Cleaner Wrasse can be found either living individually or in pairs. Interestingly, it undergoes sequential hermaphroditism, starting its life as females. Within a group, the strongest female will transition into a male. This unique process adds to the intrigue of this species.