Citron Clown Goby (Gobiodon citrinus)

$45.00 $32.00 Save 29% Sold out

Max Size: 2 inches
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef Compatible: Yes
Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons

The Citrinis Clown Goby, also known as the Citron or Citrin Goby, is a frequently encountered fish species in the reefs of Sri Lanka and the Coral Sea. It typically resides among both soft and hard coral colonies. With its small stature, it showcases a yellow body adorned with blue vertical lines around the eyes and gills, as well as a horizontal blue line along the dorsal fin. The coloration of its body can range from dark brown to pale yellow. This peaceful fish serves as a delightful addition to a reef aquarium that houses polyp corals and other soft corals, as it takes pleasure in swimming and finding shelter amidst the polyps.

In its natural habitat, the Citrinis Clown Goby sustains itself by feeding on the mucous polyps of Acropora sp. While it is generally considered reef-safe, it may occasionally nip at the polyps or bases of Acropora sp. and potentially other SPS corals. In aquariums dominated by SPS corals, these fish can cause significant damage to Acropora sp. colonies unless the tank is heavily stocked with mature colonies.

To accommodate a Citrinis Clown Goby, a minimum tank size of 10 gallons is required, although larger tanks are preferred. It tends to favor branched corals and often spends hours resting on them. While it rarely exhibits aggression towards other fish, conflicts may arise among individuals of the same species in smaller tanks. It is advisable to house them alongside other peaceful species.

Clown gobies, including the Citrinis variety, commonly reproduce in aquarium settings. However, caution must be exercised if the aquarium contains Acropora sp. or similar SPS corals. These gobies lay their eggs on the underside of coral branches, which can lead to tissue recession in that particular area of the coral.

To ensure proper nutrition, the diet of a Citrinis Clown Goby should consist of a diverse range of food, such as brine shrimp, frozen mysis shrimp, table shrimp, and frozen carnivore food preparations.