Gold Back Triggerfish (Xanthichthys caeruleolineatus)
Max Size: 1 foot 2 inches
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Semi-Aggressive
Reef Compatible: Yes
Minimum Tank Size: 200 gallons
Feeding Habits: The diet of the Goldenback Trigger primarily consists of zooplankton, copepods, and benthic invertebrates.
Natural Characteristics: This species, known as the Goldenback Trigger, thrives in the depths of offshore reefs. A distinct feature of this triggerfish is its sexual dimorphism, with noticeable differences between males and females. Often regarded as the "holy grail" among triggerfish, these specimens command a premium price within the aquarium trade due to their rarity.
Care Guidelines: The presence of Goldenback triggers in the aquarium trade is exceedingly rare due to their deep-sea habitat. When obtained, these specimens are typically of considerable size, making them captivating additions to large aquarium displays. To house them successfully, spacious aquaria with ample room for swimming are essential. Caution should be exercised when cohabiting them with other triggerfish, as territorial behavior may arise. Maintaining excellent water quality is imperative, and a subdued lighting setup is recommended to replicate the subdued conditions of their natural deep-reef habitat.