Bennett's Sharpnose Pufferfish (Canthigaster bennetti)
Max Size: 4 inches
Diet: Omnivore
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef Compatible: With Caution. May eat stony corals and invertebrates.
Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons
The Bennett's Sharpnose Puffer is a lively and colorful fish, adorned with brilliant orange and turquoise spots and bars that create a festive and playful pattern. Its body is divided into a stormy, olive gray dorsal half and a pearly white ventral half, resulting in an energetic coloration that matches its inquisitive and personable nature.
Belonging to the genus Canthigaster, commonly known as Sharp-nosed Puffers or Tobies, the Bennett's Sharpnose Puffer is also referred to as Bennett's Toby, Roseband Sharpnose Puffer, Roseband Toby, or Exquisite Toby. In its natural habitat, it can be found in open sand slopes and rubble zones within reef flats and sheltered lagoons. The beautiful and cryptic markings, such as spots and bars, along with countershading (dark dorsal region paired with a light ventral region) serve as camouflage, concealing the fish from potential predators and prey by disrupting its body shape.
For the Bennett's Sharpnose Puffer, an ideal aquarium setup would be a fish-only tank of at least 50 gallons, aquascaped with live rock and rubble to provide easy access to large open areas. However, be cautious about keeping invertebrates in the tank, as the puffer may attempt to eat those that fit into its mouth, using its fused beak-like teeth to crush its prey.
To maintain a balanced diet, offer a variety of meaty foods and some vegetable matter. Squid, krill, clams, and hard-shelled shrimp are excellent choices and will also help wear down their ever-growing teeth, promoting good oral health.