SeaChem Cupramine Copper Medication 2L
- Copper treatment for external parasites
- Active at low concentration (does not precipitate)
- Bound on amine so it is not as toxic to fish
- 100% Removable with carbon or Cuprisorb
Cupramine™ effectively eradicates Oodinium, Cryptocaryon, Amyloodinium, Ichthyophthirius, and other ectoparasites of both freshwater and marine fish. It is superior to copper sulfate, chloride & citrate: it is non-acidic, less toxic to fish, remains in solution, and does not contaminate the filter bed. It is superior to chelates: it is fully charged (ionic), active at low concentrations, and is removable with carbon.
There is more than a four-fold concentration gap between the minimal therapeutic dose (0.2 mg/L) and the toxic dose (0.8 mg/L). Cupramine™ is easily removable with chemical filtration. It is highly effective and safe in freshwater as well as marine water.
Cupramine™ is appropriate for treating a variety of ectoparasites of both freshwater and marine fish. Below are some of the more common infections treatable with Cupramine™. Be aware that many diseases and infections share similar physical and behavioral symptoms, e.g. clamped fins, lesions, loss of appetite.
Ich (White Spot )
chthyophthirius (freshwater) / Cryptocaryon (saltwater)
Looks like salt sprinkled on the fish’s body and fins. Usually accompanied by twitching, flashing, and other signs of stress and irritation. Several parasites are grouped under this name, but the symptoms are almost identical. Ich is among the most common infections of fish, and is entirely treatable with diligence and attention to water quality.
Suggested Treatment Period:
14 days at full concentration (0.25 mg/L for freshwater, 0.5 mg/L for saltwater)
Special Considerations
It is very important with this parasite to maintain the copper concentration for the full treatment period. A drop in the copper concentration will allow the parasite to multiply and reinfect the fish.
Due to the nature of this parasite, it is normal for the visible signs of infection to get worse before they get better. The medication is still working, but it takes some time for the salt-like cysts on the fish to clear out. Keep up the treatment and the visible spots should clear soon!
Piscinoodinium (freshwater) / Amyloodinium (saltwater)
Similar to Ich, but smaller and grey-gold. Most often seen in saltwater, but can occur in freshwater as well. Velvet is less common than Ich, but the treatment is almost identical. We see it more often in saltwater than freshwater.
Suggested Treatment Period:
14 days at full concentration (0.25 mg/L for freshwater, 0.5 mg/L for saltwater)
Special Considerations
Keep in mind that many parasites and diseases will mimic the symptoms of Ich or Velvet, and not all of these are best treated with Cupramine. Often, Flukes or Lymphocystis are mistaken for Ich, and these are better treated with ParaGuard™. Research possible fish diseases and, if in doubt, consult an exotic animal vet.