Special Blend 4oz

$6.99 Sold out

A Complete Eco-System in a Bottle


Features and other benefits:

  • Dramatically reduces need for water changes
  • Reduces the frequency of cleaning
  • Good for salt and freshwater fish
  • Chemical free!
  • A new tank starter for biological cycling and boosting
  • An organic waste degrader
  • Naturally stimulates plant growth
  • Lowers ammonia levels and biologically reduces nitrates
  • Removes odors and clears cloudy water
  • Biological maintainer for established tanks
  • Enhances ability of plants to utilize light, water and nutrients
  • Breaks down residue on gravel, plants ,rocks, etc.
  • Breaks down protein foam

These bacteria are compatible with biological filters and UV lights. The UV lights should be turned off for 48-72 hours after the introduction of this product. This will allow the bacteria to progress through their most active growth stage.